Transit Month 2024
what is transit month?
This April, join the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure, WeGo Public Transit, and other partners in celebrating the busses, trains, and people that make up the wonderful transit system we all know and ride. During Transit Month, you can look forward to a region-wide RideAmigos Challenge with prizes, Ticket to Ride, Earth Day, and many more exciting, transit-themed regional activities.
Over the years through Transit Month, NDOT, WeGo, and other transit-focused agencies and organizations have reached hundreds of riders through events held across the city. Safety while using riding transit as well as the role up public transit in mitigating climate change is heavily discussed at Transit Month events. We aim to continue the conversation and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our city moving through transit during Transit Month.
How to participate:
You can participate in Nashville Transit Month by attending one or more of the various events happening around the city, and also by joining the Transit Month transit Challenge on our RideAmigos app.
Here's How it Works:
- During the month of April, use the Commute Tracker by RideAmigos app.
- Track your transit trips by creating an account on the dashboard.
- Watch your stats rise! See how much money you save, your carbon reduction impact, and more!
- The more trips you log the better chance you have at winning weekly prizes such as an E-Bike.
events for transit month 2024:
Transit Month Challenge

- Join the Nashville Connector in celebrating Transit Month this April 2024 by taking the pledge to ride WeGo Public Transit between the dates April 1 - April 30!
- Create an account on the Nashville Connector website and then download the CommuteTrack app by RideAmigos to join the challenge.
- You must track, at minimum, two trips per week to be entered into a raffle.
Ticket to Ride

- Join us by taking a FREE ride on the WeGo Star Train to Donelson Station on Friday, April 26th at 4:10pm.
- Hosted by the Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT), Transit Alliance of Middle Tennessee, Transit Now, WeGo, Civic Design Center, Network for Sustainable Solutions, and the Nashville Connector.
- Hear about project updates from agencies including the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructer, the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Councilpersons (to be announced),and the Mayor's Office.
- This event is free, but registration is required. (Register here)
Earth Day

- "Nashville Earth day will take place on Saturday, April 20th, 2024 from 11am to 5pm at the Centennial Park Bandshell. This free family event brings the Nashville community together to celebrate our planet, inspire positive environmental change, and support sustainable small businesses & nonprofits. Nashville earth day will feature engaging and educational activities from a variety of exhibitors and vendors including: local growers & makers, nonprofits, sustainable small businesses, and state/metro government agencies. 6Nashville earth Day is presented and underwritten by our many generous sponsors."
WeGo Central Tour and Lunch & Learn

- Join the Nashville Connector and WeGo on Friday, April 19th at 11am, for a tour of WeGo Central and a bike-docking demonstration.
- This experiential learning activity is free, and lunch is provided.
- Pre-registration is required; to register and find out more, click here!